Hi guys...Assalamualaikum...hehe
Well...lets c...bengkel for AUG started 8hb tapi I did not attend on dat day since I just got back home on the 7th...the day before... so, utk mengelakkan diri menjadi anak derhaka sebab dah lama tak balik, daku pulang gak ke umah (walaupun sehari je) utk meraikan hari raya aidiladha....
I was officially there at 3pm on 9th of december...everything was just great...met the team...practiced some cheers and more cheers and more cheers...since IIUM will alwaiz be IIUM, we were (probably) the only team that practiced all the cheers...so, we became the back bone during the cheer workshop... some students from our team got elected as the lead kompang and the conductor master ...
gedebuk gedebak...dah setel smua...the launching took place on 11th of December 2008 while being telecasted live via TV1...hehe...it was fun n ok and everything...but the real work starts the day after...our first job was to cheer for the malaysian beach volleyball team...sounds fun?? although a bit embarassing because...yerla IIUM kot...so we swap with some other university...
the next day, we went to cheer for the malaysian volley ball team...it was ok...but i do think that our team could have performed better...but, guess luck was just not on our side... after that ended...we were given a new task...to cheer for the malaysia futsal team...which was just great...because they won the game.... we were again requested to cheer for them during the finals...which they won yet again....(n i got a chance to take a pic with the mascot)...
we were also given the task to cheer for the malaysian hockey team...it was superb...they won the game...later on we were given the task to cheer for them again during the finals...and they won, gold. its not just that...we also had "personal winners" whose main achievement was....the victory of being able to take photos on the hockey turf....
to be continued....
a not very long detail...waiting for 2nd and maybe 3rd episod..yelah..byk drama dgrnya..hehehe... nice picture! the one on top of the mascot! hahaha
ahaha~ "banyak drama"? sangat!!! LOL
btw, ieda...."personal winners whose main achievement was....the victory of being able to take photos on the hockey turf" ? hehe...me was half-forced to take tht pic..sbb mokcik seblah tu kate akk xde lagi bgambo ngan dia je...ahaha~ dh le mase tu tgh rushing nk naik bas....huhu~
demi atun....my roomies mase AUG..haha. gambo2 ble mau jual? haha. syam kate kak faz tunggu kamu bg gambar.. ;)
btw, congratz for winning the house! :D kalau nk mintak tolong cuci ke hape...jgn segan jgn malu. akk n kak aton on ja... ;)
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